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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Issue 1, Volume 1 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine *
- * Suite 299 *
- * 4431 Lehigh Road *
- * College Park, MD 20740 *
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- * STatus Disk Magazine (c) 1989, is a COMMERCIAL effort. *
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- Multidesk by Charles F. Johnson
- Desk accessories for the Atari ST are one of its closest
- approaches to multitasking; in GEM programs you can access the
- pull down window and select one of six desk accessories that can
- perform such diverse functions as word processing to giving you
- Chinese Fortune Cookie prophecies, without having to exit the
- program you are working in.
- There are two inherent limitations with the standard ST-GEM
- setup with Desk Accessories (DA's) - and they are a limit of six
- accessible from the desktop, and of course, a memory limitation
- imposed by the loading of these accessories. This second
- consideration has become less painful than it was in the days
- when most of us owned 520's with little RAM to spare, however, it
- is still beneficial to manage RAM usage to maximize the
- usefulness of some programs. Also, there are accessories that
- don't behave well with others (computers are really human in
- characteristic!).
- Enter MultiDesk by C. F. Johnson. Written in 1988, it plows
- through the limitations imposed on DA's elegantly. First of all,
- MultiDesk allows a number of desk accessories to be loaded
- limited only by your system RAM. Since MultiDesk also has the
- capability to save "setup" files of your favorite groups of
- accessories, you could incorporate a group in a session with only
- a couple mouseclicks and likewise abandon them and bring in
- another group.
- MultiDesk will show, in its own selector, up to 32
- accessories to be loaded; memory allowing, you can then load
- MultiDesk into itself as an accessory, up to 32 "nested"
- Multidesks which has been tested to a level of 130 in a Mega ST
- 4; this still uses one drop-down slot from the desktop (thus
- calling the MultiDesk selector).
- MultiDesk recognizes the .ACX scheme to "turn off"
- accessories not to be loaded at boot. Well behaved accessories
- that require resource or data files will perform properly used
- under this program.
- The first thing you may want to do is set up the "configure"
- file; this saves your default buffer size set aside for your
- accessories; gives pathnames to your accessories and setup files;
- allow you to choose from many options that will customize your
- use of the program, for example, the "Names" selection will
- display for you the names of accessories loading, one at a time,
- during setup. While fast, it's even faster to do without these
- names unless you need to be reminded, since the boxes do not need
- to be drawn. With "Auto-Run" you can decide if an accessory
- should run after it is loaded or merely be loaded. This saves a
- few mouseclicks (and it has no effect on the loading of multiple
- accessory setup files).
- Even more versatility can be found in the "Query" button. Let's
- say you have a setup file with several accessories but there's
- one in there you don't want but you don't want to have to
- manually deselect it. With this option, MultiDesk will go
- through each accessory during the load process to see if you
- really want it to load into memory. You can even CUSTOMIZE the
- name of MultiDesk in the standard GEM dropdown menu to show
- anything you want!
- DA's can be memory hogs, and for this reason MultiDesk includes a
- "shrink to fit" option. With this, you may have allocated an
- over generous amount of RAM to your MultiDesk setup; you have the
- option to, for example, boot with a 128K buffer when you're
- really only going to be using 40K worth of accessories. Using
- "shrink to fit" will free up the remaining RAM to the system.
- You can't, however, load any additional accessories without
- increasing the buffer size.
- MultiDesk is one of those programs that will allow you to change
- it from a DA to a program merely by renaming the extension from
- .ACC to .PRG, thus double clicking on it to run it. Why do this?
- When run as a program, you can load and run standard DA's as if
- they were programs! This allows you to use these DA's without
- chipping away at system memory; after all, when exited, they will
- return free system RAM.
- With version 1.8 or higher of MultiDesk, you can use any
- accessories loaded into it without exiting the HotWire menu.
- It's a pleasure to have a program to run on the ST with
- reliable results and true utility. Even with adequate RAM it is
- still wasteful at times to always load up accessories you will
- rarely use at it may degrade performance of the application you
- are running. MultiDesk gives you true flexibility to pick just
- what you want, whenever you want it as long as you can get to the
- GEM menu bar. CodeHead claims that accessories will load even as
- a program is running (one at a time). This is because you set
- aside a buffer for this at bootup. Note, however, that while you
- are at the desktop you can "clear all" accessories from MultiDesk
- in one QUICK operation, you CANNOT do this while a program is
- running without serious trouble.
- MultiDesk is fast and works just as advertised. While it
- would seem certain PD accessories that are poorly written may
- cause problems, most don't, and CodeHead claims 99% of existing
- DA's will work.
- The only problem mentioned in the manual is that of
- accessories written using the evnt_timer call. It is a
- documented GEM bug, and accessories that do use this function
- (such as alarm clock DA's) you can turn on a "timers" button in
- MultiDesk that will at least try to allow this DA to get along
- with your system; they caution, however, that there could still
- be lockups and degradation in system speed.
- The manual is well written, and actually the GEM boxes on
- the screen nearly make MultiDesk one of those programs that you
- will have to consult the manual "only if absolutely necessary."
- Actually, there are small enhancements that you would miss from
- the setup of this program if you skip the manual.
- The upgrade policy for MultiDesk (current version is 1.82)
- are $5.00 (you send them your disk).
- I have just received version 1.82a, release date August 21,
- 1989. Some of the "fixes" include a problem loading acc's with
- no relocation data. Thunder!, the DA spell checker, will now
- work compatibly with MultiDesk. 1.8 fixes a problem with
- accessories compiled with HiSoft Basic. Versions 1.6 and higher
- include "hotkeys" that allow you to perform many MultiDesk
- functions with single keys instead of mousing around. It is also
- mentioned that accessories that normally take up two DA slots
- won't work with MultiDesk (only one of their DA names/functions
- will be available). DeskCart won't work with MultiDesk; it needs
- to be installed in a regular DA slot.
- Some smaller "memory free" programs will not give a true
- report on free system RAM due to memory fragmentation when, for
- example, a RAMdisk is thrown into RAM while a word processor is
- already in use. When the program is exited, the allocated memory
- is put above that used by the word processor; thus when viewing
- available RAM, you may get a report that much less is available
- than is actually the case, as the free ram program will report
- only the "largest" of the blocks of free RAM it sees.
- SHOWMEM3.ACC is included with MultiDesk and will help you to see
- a true picture of the blocks of allocated versus free RAM in your
- machine.
- CodeHead products are periodically enhanced and/or updated;
- however, purchasers of CodeHead products need to keep in touch
- with online services or BBS's to be aware of "the latest and
- greatest" as it is not their policy to inform existing owners of
- these updates by mail. If a program turns out to be buggy
- CodeHead may release a free update; then, you WILL be informed as
- a registered user.
- CodeHead Software
- P. O. Box 4336
- N. Hollywood, CA 91607